You gotta love Google alerts. I'm assuming most of you have them set up on your name, company name and keywords you're interested in. How else would I have known that I would be included in an article about how Barack Obama could make the history books if he becomes our next president. And no, not because he's black, but because he could become the nation's first CRM president according to CRM Buyer's Ericka Morphy. We've all heard about how well run his campaign is, and that may have something to do with how his organization is using RightNow Technology's applications to reach out and engage people. Check this article out if you get a chance.
Where do I fit in to all this? Ericka included a blurb from my blog entry on The CRM Playaz at the bottom of the Obama piece. Hmmm, maybe the first CRM president would make a good guest for the show. Then again, given the still-tarnished image CRM has with some businesses he may not want to run on that platform.
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