It's the weekend - time for a little levity! And the weekend will be the only time you'll hear me use words like levity.
Thank goodness for the print screen function. Only on Twitter would this happen. Mark Dyson is a listener of my TFBS show... thanks Mark for checking out the show and for the kind words! OK, as I was saying...
It looks like Mark is pretty new to Twitter. He's only got a few tweets under his belt, and he's only following four people - one of which hasn't tweeted at all. The other three are:
- * Barack Obama (The biggest celebrity in the world, according to John McCain)
- * Oprah (The Queen of All Media)
- * Brent Leary (The King of All Media... media residing in the Crown Glen subdivision in Stockbridge, GA. Hey, I do have a podcast and this blog you know!)
Now even my mother wouldn't include me in this kind of company, but I certainly appreciate Mark!
In other weekend news I was called an SOB. Yeah I hear ya - what's news about that? It's not what you think, and actually it's a great compliment when it's coming from Liz Strauss. SOB (in this case) stands for Successful Outstanding Blogger and Liz has been calling folks SOBs for close to three years. Liz, I never thought I'd ever say this to anybody, but thanks for designating me an SOB!
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